
Donate your Facebook Birthday Fundraiser
Celebrate your birthday by raising funds for Project Schoolhouse!
Crowdfund For Project Schoolhouse
Starting a fundraiser is a great way to rally your friends and family to support the cause you care most about. It’s your story and your connection to the organization that makes the difference. We’ve made it easy!

Donate School Supplies and Library Books
We’re always collecting supplies and books to take on the next trip to Nicaragua. Select and purchase from curated lists and they’ll be shipped directly to us!
The Gallon Challenge
Host a team fundraiser on behalf of Project Schoolhouse. The Gallon Challenge is a competition to see if an individual could live with a few gallons of water a day, like the families where we work. Friends and family can support your efforts to conserve as much water as possible and fundraise for PSH.
How it Works:
You can challenge your network of friends and family to sponsor you for $10-$100 for each day you use only 5 gallons of water. You can track your progress by creating a personal challenge crowdfunding page on Project Schoolhouse’s donately platform! Once your challenge page has been created, share it on your social media and document your progress, challenges, and lessons learned!
Your organization can amplify the donations by soliciting corporate matches of all funds raised.
For full details of the gallon challenge, view our flyer.
Contact us to get started!

Project Schoolhouse
PO Box 163701, Austin, TX 78716