Dear friends,
In the first few days of 2024, we hit the ground running! The team broke ground on a new school project in the community of Rosario Las Vegas, where we finished a water and sanitation project last year. And, I am thrilled to announce the expansion of our After-School Club tutoring and mentorship program into a second community.

We are happy to share our 2023 Annual Report showcasing the progress made last year, thanks to the sustaining support of the foundations and individuals (YOU!) who generously invest in these projects.
At the beginning of 2024, in anticipation of a transformational grant from a new supporter, we invested in a Nicaraguan-based Director of Operations to provide in-country leadership and technical capacity to our team. We are honored to have Mirle Zeledon, a civil engineer with experience in water and sanitation projects throughout Central America, join our team.
We are thrilled to report that this catalyzing grant has been approved! In a few weeks, we will break ground on phase one of the largest project in our history. With one spring capture, we will deliver safe water to seven communities and build functional schoolhouses in each community! This acceleration in the pace of our work begins a new chapter at Project Schoolhouse.
I invite you to read more detailed project updates below and look forward to providing updates as we move into this exciting new year.