Dear Friends,
Much like the rest of the world, we are flexing our resilience muscles here at Project Schoolhouse as we navigate the operating changes needed as a result of the pandemic and scenario plan for the impact of the impending global recession.
Tab has been working hard to keep our Nicaragua team safe. We prepaid staff wages to limit how often they needed to travel into town to do their banking. Our Project Coordinator was able to advance purchase the construction materials we needed for the two ongoing water projects, limiting community exposure to potential outside carriers of the virus. Fortunately, the work in the communities can mostly carry on as normal, being outside and socially distanced. We are turning on in-home water service to 130 families this year, which eliminates the need for them to congregate at local water holes to collect life-sustaining water.
Our financial capacity to fund those prepaid wages and material purchases that are helping 130 families(!) were the direct result of our fundraising efforts in the Fall of 2019. As we kick into planning gear for our Fall 2020 annual fundraising efforts, we need your help more than ever, and we’ve listed those opportunities below for your thoughtful consideration.
Our team and partners on the ground in Nicaragua share that this virus is spreading rapidly in the cities and smaller towns, but it hasn’t yet made its way into the remote communities with whom we collaborate. We’re proud that some of the students we sponsor had the motivation to advocate for online learning so they didn’t lose a year of schooling. The children we support know that education is the key to their future and we are grateful to all of you who invest in their futures.
With gratitude and best wishes for good health.
Selina Serna
Executive Director