Bilampi, Bocana de Paiwas: We completed a water and latrine project in Bilampi, which began in 2021. This was one of the most extensive, fully-distributed water projects in our history, including 22 km of hand-dug trench to lay the water distribution lines to reach every home, plus two churches and three schools. It’s really a beautiful part of the country, further east than we’ve ever worked, in the region of Bocana de Paiwas. We’re grateful to Rotary International and several Austin-area Rotary Clubs who supported this project.

Rosario Las Vegas: In July we broke ground in the community of Rosario Las Vegas on a fully-distributed water and latrine project. We’re grateful to The Burdine Johnson Foundation for their support of this project. We expect to turn on safe, clean water in homes by Christmas!
Image: Community members trenching for the main conduction line in Rosario Las Vegas, Rio Blanco.
San Isidro, Rio Blanco: Lastly, in partnership with UT Austin Enactus and Localized Water, we installed our first rainwater catchment system at the school in the community of San Isidro. This project was a pilot to test out a solution that gets safe water to schools in a quick, low-cost way while we work our way through the multi-year pipeline of communities waiting for the fully-distributed system we typically install.

We are particularly proud to have completed all of these projects while navigating the ever-changing complexity of the local government laws and regulations. We are optimistic that we’re through the highest of these hurdles, allowing us to refocus on the projects and programs that are so crucial to the communities with whom we partner. Huge thank you to our local team who has worked tirelessly through these hurdles and uncertainties with persistence and tenacity. I wanted to share a couple of photos of our team at work. The treks into these communities are long and arduous; these projects would not be possible without their dedication.

Looking ahead to 2023:
I had the opportunity to travel extensively in Nicaragua this summer, my first trips since covid lockdowns, and I can say the need has never been greater. We plan to partner on new schoolhouses in Rosario and Bilampi and in a third community, a fully distributed water project. Your support makes these projects possible – thank you. For any questions or a more detailed update, you can always reach me at
With gratitude and best wishes in the New Year!
Selina Serna
Executive Director