Dear Friends,
Wow, how our world has changed in just a few short weeks. Our work continues and the need has never been greater, as is highlighted in industry publications we monitor, one of which we wanted to share with you below, ‘COVID-19 a collective failure, an unprecedented opportunity’. Sanitation and hygiene are the most basic needs, particularly today when diligent hand-washing is top of mind for the world, virtually impossible for those without access to clean water.

We are so pleased to share our 2019 Impact in the Annual Report linked below. Beyond the numbers, I’d like to also convey the emotion I see as I talk to moms who worry about the contaminated water they are forced to use all day, every day, to drink, bathe and cook, even when they see the rashes that break out on their children every time they bathe. Your generosity truly changes lives.
We had a strong kick-off to 2020, finishing up water and latrine projects in two communities. We visited the mayor of a neighboring region, Bocana de Paiwas, when touring the projects in early March and were thrilled to come away from that meeting with a commitment of funding towards a project in this region. As we were driving to the meeting, we took a right where we always take a left and Tab said “haven’t you always wanted to turn this way? I have.” It’s good to see our reputation spread and have the opportunity to expand our reach by tapping into additional municipal funding.
The mayor is excited to collaborate, allowing him to stretch his budget through investing in our community volunteer model of building. The area has some of the most stunning vistas I’ve had the pleasure of seeing, and I got to meet this cute little boy in the community of Bilampi. We hope to be able to build him a new school in the not too distant future.
In these uncertain times, please know that we wish you and your loved ones good health.
Selina Serna
Executive Director